Clicking on the link below takes you to the NETL presentation. At the end, the last page says, "Any questions?"
I have a lot of questions, here are a few:
We do NOT want this in our community, how do we stop this?
If this goes forward -
In researching other 'demonstration projects" it appears many are "designed to test failure
scenarios". We don't like secrets and want to know up-front if this is part of your plan and if so, what risks you are planning to take with our families, homes, economy, drinking water etc.
How many local people will be hired in this process?
How many Battelle employees, contractors and subcontractors will be buying homes in Greenville? In Darke County?
Who attended the planning meetings for this project? Were they publicized and listed as open to the public? If so, many of us missed those notices but I'm sure our local newspaper has them in their archive.
Who were/are the local decision makers? I don't think any of us who live here really know.
Going forward, when are the meetings? A number of us would like to be there.
Should we have an earthquake - how will you cover the loss of our homes, belongings, jobs?
This community has a lot of elderly, what provisions have you made to accommodate them?
Please click the link below
Sequestration Program Overview
Bob Kleinmann, PhD
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Scroll down to page 59
• Located at TAME Facility (Greenville, OH)
• Drilling to begin ≈7/2009
• Injection to begin 2010
The time to be vocal is NOW - talk to your friends and neighbors, your elected officials - the people voted into office to act on your behalf with your best interest at heart.
From the MRCSP site -
"In the early stages of the first two-year period, the study team will also conduct a site characterization to gather detailed information about the site. This will include a seismic survey of the area to determine the nature of geologic layers and ensure that the area is free from the type of faults that could provide pathways for leakage. The team will drill a test well to gather geologic data about the storage potential in the injection zones and the ability of the overlying caprock layers to contain the carbon dioxide. The well is constructed of the several layers of steel casing and concrete to protect the drinking water supplies near the surface.
3. During this time also, the team will install site infrastructure improvements, including a carbon dioxide compression facility and a pipeline. This line will transport the carbon dioxide a short distance of several hundred feet from the ethanol vent stack to the compression site and eventually to the injection wells, located on site.
4. Before injecting carbon dioxide, the MRCSP must prepare an application for a permit to the regulators at the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA requires an operational plan which will include factors such as maintaining the integrity of the well and the injection volume and pressure. The EPA also requires a plan for monitoring the safety of the operations. Before the permit becomes final, the EPA will issue a draft for public review and comment. These activities are expected to take place during 2009 and 2010.
5. After obtaining a permit, the research team will begin injecting carbon dioxide. This is expected to occur in 2010 and continue for four years.
6. As required by the permit and for research purposes, the MRCSP research team will monitor activities at all stages, including after injection, to track the condition of the well and the injected carbon dioxide.
7. After completing the injection test, the team will continue to monitor the stored carbon dioxide and evaluate the results for the remainder of the Phase III project."