Monday, March 1, 2010

Indiana Petroleum Database Management System (PDMS)

From the web site
The Petroleum Database Management System (PDMS) is a web application designed to distribute petroleum-related information from the Indiana Geological Survey (IGS). The database contains information on more than 70,000 petroleum-related wells drilled in Indiana. The data include information on well locations, completion zones, logs, operators, lease names, tests, hydrocarbon shows, samples, cores, geologic formations and tops, and much more. The PDMS is built around three modules: 1) the Well Record Tables; 2) the Map Viewer, which together with the Well Record Tables, provide two interfaces for viewing petroleum well information; and 3) the Fields and Production summaries, which summarize oil, gas, and gas storage fields, and historical oil production.

You can check the various boxes to look at different data... very cool... Ohio doesn't have this.