Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stop PurGen Coal Plant - NJ

Our friends in NJ would like your support to stop the PurGen Coal Plant there.... please go to their web site to read more about their situation and the earthquakes that have happened in this area in the past.

Once again, if we were moving to alternative energy sources instead of catering to the coal industry CCS  would not be an issue.  Please support them. 

Stop PureGen

NJ Earthquake information http:/stoppurgencoalplant.org/nj-earthquakes-could-shake-purgens-foundation

Figuring out where to put the carbon

Figuring out where to put the carbon:

"Such estimates are complicated because there are several different mechanisms by which the CO2 can spread out from the point where it is released underground, and additional mechanisms that allow it to eventually become trapped. The spreading can occur by natural groundwater flows or by migration upward along a sloping aquifer, and the trapping can be caused by the CO2 dissolving in the water in deep aquifers, or by seeping through capillary action into cracks in the rock.

Juanes said his system accounts for all of the major known mechanisms by which carbon dioxide can get trapped in these underground formations. But for future research, he added, “The key uncertainty is the potential migration of CO2 vertically across geologic layers.” For instance, the pressure of the injected CO2 might produce faults and fractures in the rock, and this could create pathways to the surface and into the atmosphere. Juanes says his team is now working to better understand this potential mechanism."

Carbon Capture Viable for Indiana?

Carbon Capture: Viable for Indiana?:

"The two Indiana University professors that helped organize the summit were John A. Rupp, assistant director for research with the Indiana Geological Survey, and Kenneth Richards, associate professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The summit's fndings, recommendations and presentations can be downloaded from http://www.in.gov/oed/2573.htm."

"Some of the recommendations from the summit have begun to be implemented: the task force to assess state policy issues has been established, some technical challenges are being addressed by demonstration projects and the state is involved in investigations of several options for transportation of captured CO2. Two regional consortia that include the Indiana Geological Survey -- the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium and the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership -- are investigating the technical challenges in the region by conducting deep subsurface injection projects in or near Indiana to examine the feasibility of underground CO2 storage."

Read the full article here