Saturday, May 2, 2009

MRCSP Greenville, OH Project Update

This information is taken from the MRCSP web site - click here to access the information for Greenville on their web site

"Proposed Phase III Test at the Greenville Ethanol Plant

As a focal point of the third phase of its development and demonstration of geologic sequestration technology, the MRCSP is proposing to inject a larger amount of carbon dioxide for a longer time period than in the Phase II tests. In this proposed test, the carbon dioxide would be obtained from an ethanol production facility located near Greenville, Ohio that is owned by The Andersons Marathon Ethanol, LLC, a joint venture between The Andersons, Inc. and Marathon Petroleum Company. The carbon dioxide would be stored permanently deep below the ground under the plant. "

"In this proposed test, the carbon dioxide produced as a byproduct of ethanol fermentation will be taken from the ethanol plant to a new compression facility to be installed on site specifically for the MRCSP project. There, it will be compressed into a supercritical state (i.e., a dense, liquid-like form). It will then be injected about 3,500 feet underground into the saltwater-filled, geologic formation called the Mount Simon Sandstone. At that depth, the carbon dioxide will be thousands of feet below drinking water supplies, which are typically within 100 or 200 feet below the surface in this area. The carbon dioxide is effectively trapped from moving upward by a primary cap rock that is about 500 feet thick in this location and several additional layers that provide secondary containment. Injected carbon dioxide diffuses at slow speeds. Several methods for monitoring and tracking the behavior of the injected carbon dioxide will be evaluated during the field test."

The State of Ohio has regulatory oversight for injection wells in this area. The MRCSP has informed the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) of its proposal.

Spring 2009

Earlier this spring, their researchers and the survey company they chose, Appalachian Geophysical, visited Greenville to talk with local officials about necessary approvals to access the public roadways and terrain in the vicinity of the proposed test site.

Step 1: Based on that review, a survey plan is being developed and permits are being obtained.
If the survey will cross private land, permission will be obtained from the landowner. Landowners DO NOT have to give them permission, they have plan B in case permission is denied.

This survey is an important step in characterizing a potential site for carbon sequestration because it will help researchers to understand the thickness and depth of different rock layers, and reveal any faults or fractures in those rock layers.

Step 2 - Surveying the actual route to determine elevations and to make the calculations needed to measure the sound waves accurately.

Step 3 Involves laying out sensitive microphones, called geophones, along the survey route. Geophones are temporarily attached to the ground by stake and removed when the test is done.

Step 4 - Involves generating the sound waves with a "Vibroseis" truck and recording the data."